02/13/14 The Town of Culver will be hosting a Public Hearing at 6:00 p.m. EST on Tuesday, February 18, 2014 at the Train Depot located at 615 E. Lake Shore Drive.

The Public Hearing will be to discuss the “Future of Culver’s Park.” So that everyone has a chance to speak, there will be a time limit. That time limit will be determined based on the number of citizens who sign up to speak. In order to be able to address the Council, citizens will need to sign up on a “Request to Speak” sheet prior to the start of the meeting. A set of “rules” have been established to ensure everyone has the right to speak. The rules are as follows:


Rules of Order


 The public hearing will proceed in an orderly fashion and we would like to ask your cooperation in the following procedures:


1.  Everyone who has signed up will be given an opportunity to be heard. All comments shall be made fromthe speaker’s rostrum, and any individual making comments shall first give his or her name and address. Please speak slowly and clearly. This is required because an official recorded transcript of the hearing is being made.


2.  If anyone requires special accommodation in order to speak, please let us know and we will make arrangements.


3.  In fairness to all in attendance, each person will be given an opportunity to address the Council for an initial period not to exceed       minutes. We arerequesting Council members to hold their questions of the public until everyone is done.


4.  It is not necessary to be a proponent or opponent in order to speak.


5.  There should be no demonstrations (clapping,cheering, etc.) during or at the conclusion of anyone’s presentation.


6.  This is the time for presentation of testimony. No debate is allowed. Testimony shall be directed to council and council alone.


These rules are intended to promote an orderly systemof holding a public hearing, to give every person an opportunity to be heard, and to ensure that no individual is embarrassed by exercising his or her right of free speech.

We ask that respect be given to those choosing to speak (be quiet and attentive during others’ speaking time). We also ask all those speaking address Council and Council ONLY. Those who cannot abide by the rules will be asked to leave.

If you have any questions, please contact Town Hall at (574) 842-3140.