10/31/13 The Towns of Argos, Bourbon, Culver, and LaPaz have made a choice, due to the scarey and howling weather that is forecast for Thursday threatening the safety and fun for their ghouls and goblins to move Trick or Treat.  Argos, Bourbon, Culver and LaPaz  have moved Halloween Trick or Treat to Friday, November 1st from 5 to 7 pm.  You are asked to help spread the word to family and friends of the date change for Trick or Treating in these communities.

Plymouth, Bremen and Lakeville have decided to stay with traditional Trick-or-Treating tonight from 5 to 7.

Trinity United Methodist Church in Plymouth

“Due to the likelihood of thunderstorms, Trinity United Methodist Church will have indoor trick or treating from 5-7 tonight. They also will be giving away free hot dogs and hot chocolate! Come have a safe and Happy Halloween with us! — at Trinity UMC, 425 South Michigan Street, Plymouth.