10/16/13 Journeyman Lineman of Marshall County REMC, Doug MacLain, would like to thank everyone who participated in his food drive.  MacLain partnered with the Marshall County Neighborhood Center by initiating a food drive as part of his RELITE project. RELITE (Rural Electrical Leaders in Training Education) is a leadership program for employees of Indiana’s electric cooperatives.

As a result, the Marshall County Neighborhood Center gained 40 full bags of various food items. “The food drive turned out to be a great success and was well accepted among our members, who received a free CFL for donating a food item,” said MacLain.  “Donating to the Neighborhood Center is a great way to support your community and anytime they receive outside help is a blessing.”


The Marshall County Neighborhood Center’s mission is to provide basic needs services while encouraging steps toward self-sufficiency. As part of its many services, the Neighborhood Center offers a food pantry in the style of a self-serve grocery store, energy assistance programs and a clothing boutique. For more information on the Marshall County Neighborhood Center visit www.marshallcountyneighborhoodcenter.com.