08/15/13 The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety approved the low quote of Michiana Contracting for a lighting efficiency project at the Oak Hill Cemetery facility.  Last month quotes were open from Banner Electric and Michiana Contracting and taken under advisement for review by the City’s energy consultant Jack Like from Indianapolis. 

His recommendation was for Banner Electric at $7,475.  It was noted that Banner’s initial quote was more detailed with a complete description of the work to be completed.  After contacting Michiana it was discovered that both companies were quoting the exact lighting fixtures with the same installation. 

The city attorney explained that state statute requires the board to select the lowest, most responsible and responsive quote.  Therefore, Michiana Contracting was awarded the quote at $7,469. 

The Board of Public Works also approved closing down Oak Drive at the railroad tracks near Zentis for one week for a total reconstruction project.  Street Superintendent Jim Marquardt said in a meeting with the railroad it was learned that improvements could be completed in one week if the crossing was totally closed.  If the street had to remain open with work on one side or the other, the project would take upwards of three weeks.  

Marquardt assured the board that the project would not begin until after Blueberry and that they will contact the transportation department of the businesses in the industrial park let them know of the detours that will be required. 

A request by the city engineer to hire a company to provide ground penetrating radar to scan the Bauer Parking lot prior to bidding the project was approved.  Rick Gaul said the quote for the project was $1,250 for one day from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or $1,875 to do the project after hours.  Because there is the possibility of a couple of unknown foundations from former homes in the area, similar to the problems that recently were uncovered with the River Park Square Project and caused a change order, Gaul was granted the request.  The board chose doing the project after hours because of the shortage of parking due to the construction of the new park.