07/22/13 Earlier this month the Plymouth Board of Aviation Commissioners accepted two quotes submitted for a major roofing project.  After review the BOAC approved the low quote of Johnson Builders of Plymouth. 

The A hanger roofing and skylights will be $38,950 while hanger B’s roofing and skylights project is $18,175 and the terminal building roof and skylights was quoted at $27,300 for a grand total of $84,425.  The quote from Johnson Builders included a reduction in price of $2,000 per building it all three buildings were awarded at one time.  That brought the bottom line to $78,425.

Johnson Builders have been notified to proceed with the project.  They have ordered materials and will begin work as soon as the material arrives. 

In other business Dave Lattimer, Airport Manager noted that the pilot lounge and conference room remodeling projects are completed.