07/08/13 The City of Plymouth will conduct their regular meetings Monday evening beginning at 6 p.m. with the Board of Public Works and Safety meeting.  Agenda for the meeting includes opening bids for the Pioneer Drive Life Station Improvement project and reports from city department heads. 

The City Engineer will discuss the Bauer Building parking lot and the Board of Public Works and Safety will again look at the issue with 300 Charles Street, the home that had been divided into two unites and the garage converted into a third unit.  The new owners would like to change the status of the home back to a single family unit.  The new owners have taken the kitchen out of the garage but let the restroom. 

The Plymouth Common Council will meet immediately following at 6:30.  Their busy agenda includes 2nd and 3rd reading of an ordinance approving a lease by the City Redevelopment Commission for the shell building in the industrial park near Pioneer Seed. 

The City Council will consider two other ordinances including one that modifies the city’s noise ordinance.  The amendment adds a provision that if you are not a city or schools event planned that would cause a violation of the ordinance the event could seek a request to be exempt to the ordinance.  This amendment came about after Councilman Shawn Grobe has numerous calls from concerned citizens following the MargariTATAville event at Oliver Ford for Ounce of Prevention. 

The second ordinance would stream line the process for acquiring a Community Improvement subsidy grant for façade, and building work.  The amendment proposed would dissolve the Community Improvement Commission and place all the duties for review of the rehabilitation grants with the City Council. 

The Plymouth Common Council will also consider a resolution, the first step in the tax abatement process for the shell building project that the Redevelopment Commission is preparing to engage in with the Marshall County Economic Development Commission.  The idea to abate the taxes for this project for the time being would keep the project costs down. 

The Plymouth City meetings are held in the Council Chambers of City Hall and are open to the public, although comments and questions are limited to agenda items only.