04/19/13  Plymouth High School’s Key Club will host “Fun Day at the Museum” at the Marshall County Museum in downtown Plymouth.  The event will be held this Sunday, April 21st from 2-3:30 P.M. 

The Plymouth High School Key Club has organizing a Scavenger Hunt where all who participates, regardless of age will receive a list of items to look for in the museum and throughout the exhibit areas.  Many of the high school Key Club members will be dressed in historical period attire.  

Bring your family and tour the museum along with other exciting and fun events taking place during the “Fun Day at the Museum” like Bingo and Sidewalk Chalk Art (weather permitting).   The model trains at the Museum will be running too.

There will be live trombone and violin music provided by Jack Garrison and Matt Scutchfield and everyone who comes and participates will receive a goodie bag and you can enjoy a trip to the refreshment area.