04/11/13  On Saturday, April 6th, the Lincoln Junior High Bands traveled to Knox Middle School to compete in the Indiana State School Music Association Organizational Festival for junior high/middle school bands and orchestras. All students in band at the 7th and 8th grade level represent their school at this festival. Both of the Lincoln Junior High bands had outstanding performances and earned the top rating of a Gold Award.  The bands both earned a very rare and prestigious addition to their Gold Award rating– the “With Distinction” award.  This award is only given to bands that earn nearly perfect scores from all three judges and places them among some of the best bands in the state for their level.

The 7th grade band performed the following: Sea Song Fantasy and Clouds by Anne McGinty, and Voodoo Dance by Elliot Del Borgo. The 8th grade band performed Train Heading West by Timothy Broege, Psalm 42 arranged by Samuel Hazo, and ended with Serengeti by John Higgins. Psalm 42 featured 8th grade trumpet soloist Sarah Fager.

  “I am extremely proud of these students in the way that they exceeded all of my expectations in performance and behavior.  Their progress between when they started playing two to three years ago and now is astounding,” said Lincoln band director Lisa Wallyn.

If you missed these performances, you can hear some of these selections and more this coming weekend at the Lincoln Junior High Craft Show and Nelson’s Port-a-Pit Chicken sale. Bands, choirs, and orchestras from Lincoln Junior High School, Riverside Intermediate School, and the Plymouth Community Youth Orchestra will be featured alongside many different craft and food items. The event runs from 11:00-2:00 on Saturday, April 13th in both of Lincoln’s gyms.