03/01/13 Monday evening the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety opened quotes for a new chief’s vehicle for the Fire Department.  Chief Rod Miller said told members the specification for the vehicle were on the safe side and included being pursuit rated with underneath skids and wiring for a light package.

Two quotes were requested, but Country Auto could not meet the specs as they were presented.   Oliver Ford quoted at 2013 Ford 4-door Explorer with the city’s cost being $29,320 and $1,500 trade in of the 1998 Ford Expedition paramedic chase vehicle with more than 170,000 miles for a total quote of $27,820.  Chief Miller does have $30,000 in this year’s budget to purchase a new vehicle.  The quote was approved pending review by the Fire Chief and City Attorney to be sure it meets specs. The Chief’s current vehicle will be moved to serve as the paramedic chase vehicle.

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety was scheduled to opened quotes for a new street sweeper, but Street Superintendent Jim Marquardt and City Attorney Sean Surrisi brought forth a resolution that is allowable by State code and allows the city to piggy-back on a bid the city of West Lafayette used to purchase a new street sweeper.  The motion was passed and the city will purchase a Global Allianz Street Sweeper from Brown Equipment Company for $175,000.  Marquardt will trade in a 1998 sweeper valued at $7,500 so the final bid is $167,000 which is well within the 2013 budget.