01/07/12 The Marshall County Commissioners will convene for their first meeting of the new year, Monday morning beginning at 8:30 a.m. in their second floor meeting room of the County Building.

Agenda for the meeting includes reorganization with election of officers and appointing of the MACOG representative.

The new CASA Director, Haley Kittrell will be on hand along with County Highway Superintendent Neal Haeck, and the County Attorney’s report.  County Auditor Penny Lukenbill will present the meeting minutes for December 31st and the January claims.

Commissioner items include approval of the Sick Bank recommendation for 2013, appointments for this year’s Sick Bank Committee, MCEDC Board, Drainage Board and Plan Commission seat.  The Commissioners will also discuss the ADA Transition Plan public meeting scheduled for 6:30 p.m.

The Commissioner’s meeting is open for public comments and questions.