January 27, 2012

01/30/12 Mike Good, Director of the Marshall County Solid Waste District released the following information concerning legislation currently being considered in Indianapolis.

If you value the services of solid waste management districts in Indiana, please call your Senator TODAY, 1-800-382-9467 to tell them to oppose Senate Bill (SB) 210.

The bill shifts funding of the district to the county.  However the reality is, it does not in any way ensure that that money will find its way back to solid waste, recycling, household hazardous waste, emergency management, education or other district programming (including the Recycle Depot). With county budget shortfalls, it is likely that those funds will be absorbed in other county priorities. The bill also completely leaves out input from cities and towns that are critical in programming.

We have a lot to lose, be it teachers who utilize district education assistance, MS4 communities, and residents who value district programs. Call 1-800-382-9467 and ask your Senator: “What are you doing to our recycling programs?! Are you going to trash Indiana?” Ask them to vote NO on SB 210. To locate your Senator, visit: For more information on the bill, contact Marshall County Solid Waste.