10/23/12 The Culver Redevelopment Committee met on Wednesday night to discuss the updates on the Main Street Project and to consider new projects. The CRC members Ralph Winters, Grant Munroe, and Brandon Cooper had attended the special session the day before and had received a request for the sum of $29,230 additional funds for the Main Street Project. This request had come at last month’s meeting and they had shelved the issue and sent it back to the Town Council.

At the special session they voted to give the funds to the project with the vote being two in favor and one against with Brandon Cooper being the dissenting vote.   He wanted to know, ” How much more?  We have already given more than we were told and how about change orders?  We can’t just keep giving and giving.”

Ralph Winters concurred, “The CRC doesn’t have a problem paying for this but again I don’t want the CRC treated like a piggy bank and people coming to us for piddly things.  However, I do feel the paving is important.”

At the special session Grant Munroe requested figures on getting Main Street paved from Lakeshore Drive and south of the Main Street Project. He wanted the figures to include the sidewalks and curbs.

Brandon Cooper wanted to know why we would pay for the paving if the town still has money left in their budget. “We would be willing to make up the difference if they fall short,” stated Cooper. Town Manager David Schoeff agreed.

The TIF Bonds were then discussed and an option to pay them off early. TIF one is the water tower and an update to the pipes leading in and out of the water tower and TIF two is the Medallion Project.   If both bonds were paid off early it would save the CRC $90,000 in interest. The money it took to pay them off could be regained in a matter of 18months according to the figures handed out to the committee.

Cooper stated that it may be better to pay in increments and maybe not save as much in interest but not deplete the funds by such a large amount. They asked Dave Schoeff where they were on the Comprehensive Plan and he explained that the Requests For Proposals have all been sent and that he expects a good response. They all agreed that they should get some idea of future projects for the Comprehensive Plan.

Rhonda Reinhold Correspondent