10/02/12 On Monday October 1st Reith Reilly Construction Company began construction on Main Street in downtown Culver.  The project will consist of removal and installation of sidewalks, lighting, signage and landscaping.  The project is expected to last until approximately December 23, 2012.  Please be attentive while traveling in the area as construction equipment and crews may be maneuvering in and out of traffic at times.  There could also be road closures at different times throughout the project.

Access to all the businesses and buildings in the area will be maintained with minimal interruption.  Only when the contractor is working directly in front of the door will there be any interruptions and that should only be for a short time.

Please visit our downtown frequently and watch the progress of this project as we add to the beauty of the area.

Support your local businesses, especially through the holiday season.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Town Hall at (574) 842-3140.