09/12/12  The Plymouth Kiwanis group welcomed four new members during their weekly meeting on Tuesday.

The new members pictured in front are Derek Spier and Kyle Coffman.


Coffman is the assistant principal at Plymouth High School. Coffman works with freshman and sophomore students assisting with discipline and attendances. He also helps coordinate school safety procedures and policies, coordinating ECA testing, coordinating teacher collaboration,  coordinating textbook adoption, developing the master schedule, and assisting with teacher evaluations.


Coffman says he joined Kiwanis so he could help others in the community.  Coffman hopes he can make others’ lives a little easier and better. Coffman adds that he will be able to help Kiwanis in its communication with the high school so that the two benefit mutually. He and his wife Jennifer live in Plymouth.


Spier is an economic development specialist with the Marshall County Economic Development Corporation.  Spier says the mission of Kiwanis and MCEDC are similar. “As a social service organization, Kiwanis strives to improve the quality of life for not only the children of Plymouth but also for its adults through assisting children in need.  It is this mission that is directly linked to my professional goals as an economic developer for maintaining and enhancing the quality of life for residents in Marshall County” Spier said.  He is married and has one daughter and currently lives in South Bend.


   Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world, one child and once community at a time. The Plymouth Kiwanis meet each Tuesday at noon at Chirsito’s Banquet Center in Plymouth and interested new members are always welcome. For more information contact Tom Sibal at 935-8442.


Pictured: Derek Spier and Kyle Coffman