08/22/12 For the past couple of years, Riverside Intermediate students had access to macbook computers as each team shared the use of macbook carts.  Tuesday, five hundred eighty students each received a macbook in the implementation of the 1:1 program.  The picture (at am1050.com) shows the assembly line.  As students entered the room they picked up a bag, a computer and a charger.  Prior to leaving the room adults scanned the barcode on the charger and the macbook for recording keeping.

Riverside staff have been provided professional development in the use of macbooks in the classroom.  Just prior to school starting many teachers attended equip technology training at Plymouth High School.  The Professional Development will continue to better meet the needs of students.

PCSC recently hired, Allie Holland who works with both Lincoln and Riverside as am eLearning coach.  She will work with both staff and students to assist with the technology.

Riverside Principal Jeni Hirschy said, “Last year a team of teachers and approximately 90 students did have a macbook to help work through the transition.”