06/06/12 Ever wanted to get involved with local volunteering but didn’t know how?

The Plymouth Chamber of Commerce, Young Adult Professionals, and Leadership Marshall County are excited to announce a county-wide opportunity taking place in June.

Non-profit organizations from our area will be convening to present volunteer opportunities to the public, specifically to young adults.  Here’s your chance to choose what organization you would like to work with — similar to a job or college fair, this event will feature booths with representatives from different agencies, giveaways, and people available to answer all your questions.

This event is completely FREE and open to anyone interested. It will be held at the new Community Resource Center in Plymouth (on Adams Street) June 19, from 5 to 7 p.m. It’s an open house format, so feel free to drop by after work and stay as long as you want. Light refreshments will be available.

With questions, contact Cori Holzwart by email at corine.holzwart@gmail.com or by cell phone at 574-780-5396.