06/05/12 Relay for Life Marshall County will honor cancer survivors at their annual Survivor Dinner on Thursday, June 7. The event takes place at Christos’ Banquet Center with registration at 6 p.m. followed by dinner at 6:30.  Cancer survivor Tara Andrews will be the featured speaker followed by entertainment. The event is free to survivors and a guest but pre-registration is appreciated. This year’s goal is to register 95 survivors. Call Marika Kunder at 574-546-5709 and leave a message. It is also possible to register on line at www.relayforlife.org/marshallcountyin.

  The moving overnight event beginning at 6 p.m. Saturday, June 23 will kick off by honoring these same survivors–‘heroes of hope’. At last year’s Relay, Co-chair Marika Kunder introduced them. “They are the reason to celebrate…you inspire us with your strength and courage and we celebrate you.”

This year’s survivor speaker is Cindy Strange, a brain cancer survivor from Elkhart. After her comments, survivors, donning purple tee shirts, will cut the ribbon and take the first lap in the overnight event. Others will fan out around the track and cheer them on. They will be joined by caregivers and then the Relay participants.

“While each of us has a unique reason for being here, we all have something very much in common—we want to save lives and create a world with more birthdays, where cancer never steals another year from anyone’s life. We have gathered as a community, determined that those who are facing cancer will be supported, that those who have lost their battle will NOT be forgotten and that, together, we will continue to fight back so that everyone in Marshall County will be celebrating more birthdays. We’ve gathered today and tomorrow to bring hope for a cancer-free future.”

This year’s goal is $53,000. Please consider doing your part by participating, joining and/or donating to a team, donating a luminary or donating an item for the silent auction. You will find information at www.relayforlife.org/marshallcuntyin or contact Rob Mohnacky at 574 904-6313.