04/12/12 Potawatomi Park, Inc. was excited to announce to their members and the community that they were recently the recipient of a $3,200 technology grant from the Marshall County Community Foundation.

The grant covered phase I of a multi-phase plan to improve park productivity and efficiency.  Phase I involved upgrading the technology infrastructure of the park. This included upgrades such as a new computer and software.  But the most important and beneficial upgrade was switching from dial-up internet to DSL high speed internet.  The high speed Internet enables the park to maintain the website and send large documents to committee members.

Additional phases, once funded, will include an updated website with added features and public Wi-Fi on the park grounds including the observing field where it will be used to enhance the astronomy programming.

Michael Stephan, Executive Director wanted to thank the Marshall County Community Foundation for providing the ability to enhance their technology, enabling the park to be even more efficient and productive in these tough economic times.