03/20/12 Friday, March 16, 2012, was a day of celebration for the eighth grade students at Lincoln Junior High School.  Last November, the students completed a unit of learning about cyber bullying and bullying through a website called the Bullying Academy.org.  The students took a pre-test, followed by lessons that included text and videos, and finally took a post-test on their understanding of bullying and cyber bullying.  The scores on the post-test put the Lincoln students in the number one spot in the United States of America.  The Lincoln students were treated to a pizza party, a bottle of water, a trophy, and a celebration ceremony.

    Amy Gerard, the Technology Integration Specialist for LJH explained the national program that is grant funded.   She said, “The Mac Book every one of you have is a great educational tool.” 8th grade students had the internet safety unit during Social Studies in November and scored the highest for the 400 plus schools that participated.

     Dr. Tony Bennett, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, was the guest speaker for the event.  Dr. Bennett congratulated the students for being technology leaders in the State of Indiana and at the highest level in United States. He told the students, “You are digital student natives being taught by digital immigrants.”

   Dr. Bennett presented a proclamation from Governor Daniels stating that March 11-16, 2012 has been set aside to honor the eighth grade class at Lincoln Junior High School for their excellent technology skills.  Dr. Bennett also presented a trophy to Mr. Funston, principal.