Saturday Procession to Honor “Our Lady of Guadalupe”

December 12, 2011

12/13/11 On Saturday, several members of Saint Michael’s Church held their annual procession honoring “Our Lady of Guadalupe”, also known as “Virgin of Guadalupe”.  The group of men, women and children made the walk from the Knights of Columbus building on Columbus Drive to Saint Michael’s on Center Street.

The walk is held as part of tradition that dates back to December 9, 1531.   According to accounts, an indigenous peasant had a vision of a young woman while he was on a hill in the Tepeyac Desert near Mexico City.  It is believed the woman told him to build a church on the exact spot where they were standing.  As he went to a local bishop to explain his vision, he was asked for proof.  Then, the woman in his vision told him to take roses from a nearby bush which he placed under his poncho.  When the poncho was opened, there were no roses, but an image of the lady in the vision.

Carol Anders Correspondent