12/02/11 During their last meeting, the Argos Town Council received five bids for a new police vehicle.  Rudd told the Council he would like to replace the 2006 Charger with a pick-up truck.  A heavy duty truck would be safer during inclement weather, used to haul evidence and would be worth more for a trade in.

This replacement is in the five year plan for the Police Department.  Payment for the truck was planned in the 2012 Budget.  The set up costs to convert it to a police vehicle would come from the police fund.  This cost would be $3,000 to $4,500.

Shawn Harley told the Council “This town has no business to get a pickup for a police vehicle”.  Council Member, Linda Jones, told Rudd “I don’t mind purchasing new equipment but I want it taken care of.”  Council President, Dave Walker, asked the Council to table the bids until the December meeting so the residents would have a chance to voice their opinion.

Teressa Welborn Correspondent