Cub Pack 222 Seeking Boys for Scouting

October 2, 2011

10/03/11 Cub Scout Pack 222 is seeking scouts.  Pack 222 will host an informational meeting on Monday, October 3rd at the Trinity United Methodist Church at 425 South Michigan Street in Plymouth.  The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m.

Boys in grades first through fifth or 7 to 10 years old are invited to join Scouts with year-round fun and outdoor adventure with new friends.

Cub Scouts participate in outings and field trips, service projects, camping, games, Pinewood Derby, awards and more.  You can learn to tie knots, set up a tent, and shoot a bow and arrow. Have you ever cooked a meal on a campfire? Sent a secret code to a buddy? Built a bird house?  Hiked? Earn rewards for doing these things in Cub Scouts.

For information on Cub Scouts contact Mark Styers at 936-9009 or