05/02/11 Plymouth’s Utilities Superintendent, Donnie Davidson announced the final phase of unidirectional water main flushing project.

Starting on Monday, May 2nd and continuing through May 31st, City of Plymouth Water Department employees will be performing a unidirectional water main flushing of the distribution system in the east section, or the third and final section of the city.

This boundary lines for this section are Airport Road on the north, Michigan Street on the west, Eastwood Estates on the south and the City Limits on the east.

The purpose of the flushing it to scour and clean the inside of the water mains by removing mineral deposits and related debris.  The flushing will be performed during daylight hours.  The program could create lower than normal water pressure and some discolored water in the service lines for short periods of time.  It is recommended if the discoloring of your water occurs; run the cold water for 5 to 10 minutes.  If the discolored water persists or if you have questions call the Plymouth Water Department. (936-2543)