04/28/11 Debra Conner, writer and performer, will present an informational program free to the community in the Marshall County Historical Society Museum, 123 N. Michigan Street, in Plymouth.  The program will be held in their conference room at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, May 4th.  Entitled “The Crack Up,” the presentation provides background information about the Roaring 20s, the lives of the Fitzgerald’s – including F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “crack up,” and explores how his literary reputation was rescued after his death.  Participants may ask questions and informally interact with Ms. Conner.  Light refreshments will be available.

Ms. Conner is also performing at Plymouth High School for various English and History classes as well as providing an art program at the Plymouth Public Library, 201 N. Center Street, at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 3rd.  Encore is bringing her one-woman show “Muse to Madness” to the Lincoln Junior High auditorium, 220 N. Liberty Street, for the community.  Tickets are available for the 7 p.m. May 4th performance by calling 574-953-4987.  Tickets are $10, with free admission for students and children.