Local donations will make some very happy soldiers

September 23, 2010

09/24/10 A lot of troops overseas will have a smile on their faces thanks to the help of the Plymouth Phi Delts and the Patriot Guard.

Patriot Day activities by the Plymouth club including a procession and memorial at Oak Hill Cemetery and a post procession gathering raised $1,600 for the Patriot Guard that sends care packages overseas for servicemen as well as funding several programs for the families of those serving overseas.

“That’s a lot of money,” said Dennis Francis, Senior Ride Captain for the Patriot Guard in Northern Indiana. “We don’t usually see this much at once. There are going to be a lot of smiles on troops’ faces overseas.”

Francis said the group would put the money towards its “Care Package” program of sending packages overseas for troops serving the country. So far the group has sent over 10,000 pounds of food to those in war zones in the Middle East. The group also has an outreach called “Help on the Homefront.” Families of soldiers that may be experiencing some sort of hardship will receive help from the group.

“We’ve taken truck loads of food to people, helped with heating bills,” said Francis. “Anything we can do to help give a boost to families and take the burden off of those fighting.”

The money will be used for postage for more packages.

“This money will send about 2,400 pounds of goods overseas,” said Francis. “We raise most of our money by putting out a can at a shopping center and taking donations. To be able to raise this much at once is really nice.”

You can learn more or make a contribution to the Patriot Guard by visiting their website at http://www.indianapatriotguard.org/
Provided by our news partners at the Pilot.