Metronet_Zing Logo_smallThe Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety approved the request of Mary Jan Hedman from Zing Metronet to allow for the placement of a cabinet inside the west water tower fenced in area. They will need a 10 by 15 foot area that will be fenced off separate from the water tower with its own opening.

Hedman explained the need for the cabinet. “The cabinet will allow for 3 redundant loops of fiber around the city. A technician can cross-connect the fiber back bones easily to keep customers supplies with services.”

A condition of agreement is that Zing will install conduit from the cabinet to the water tower for future monitoring opportunities.

The Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety also accepted the majority of conduit installed from the Metronet project. There were three locations that needed additional site work or restoration and the contractor is still waiting on the railroad to allow them to bore under the tracks.