07/17/12 The Marshall County Drainage Board met in special session Monday morning to receive bids on the Yellow River Bank Stabilization Project.

The project was  segmented into four portions: section number 1 is furthest to the south of the walking bridge on the east side while section number 2 is closer to the Garden Court Complex with section 3 being the Ross property and the final section is a small portion just to the north of the footbridge.

  Only one company bid on the project, HRP Construction from South Bend.  Their bid on the four segments were $134,612 for section 1, $208,870 for section 2 and $186,988 for section 4.  Section 3, the Ross property was bid two ways: one bid which include purchasing the property and demolition of the home so that the ground could be gradually slopped to the river at a bid of $460,394.  The second option was to keep the home and work from the river stabilizing the bank at a bid of $658,969.

The bid was taken under advisement for review by R.W. Armstrong.  A special meeting of the County Drainage Board will be held Friday morning at 8:15 to hear a recommendation from the designers.