Plymouth Community School Corporation’s Director of Operations, Dave Schoff appeared before the School Board this month with an agreement for 2024 with Wightman for improvements to Washington Discovery Academy. 

The goals of the project are to address the traffic backups currently being experienced that impact Lake Avenue during pickup and drop-off times.  The onsite parking is barely adequate for the current staff and needs to be expanded for events and to accommodate guests.  The existing access from the parking lot does not appear to meet current ADA standards and should be modified and there are drainage concerns on the site that are believed to be exacerbated by a failed county drain. 

The scope of services includes survey and topographic work, developing a conceptual site plan, creating a list of ADA improvements to enhance access to the campus, designing a detailed layout with specifications to be able to take projects to bid, and creating a landscape design that meets the city’s code.

The cost for design fees is $44,500 and the goal is to have the designs ready for bidding in the fall of 2023 with construction to begin in the summer of 2024. 

Schoff said the corporation has funds in place and the estimated budget is $750,000 for the improvements. 

With no additional discussion, School Board member Robin Cupka motioned to approve the 2024 Washington Discovery Academy Site Improvement agreement with Wightman, and it was seconded by Stacey Patrick.   The four members present all voted YES.