The City of Plymouth will conduct its regular meetings Monday evening, May 23rd beginning at 6 p.m. with the Board of Public Works and Safety and followed by the Common Council meeting. 

The Board of Public Works and Safety will open bids for the 2022 Street and Sidewalk projects.  They will also hear from various city department heads and consider the request from the REES for a street closure on October 1st.

The Common Council meeting begins at 6:30. The council is scheduled to discuss a request for financial support for the Blue Zones program and consider a resolution that would pledge 25% or $520,000 of the city’s ARPA funds. 

Also on the agenda is the consideration of multiple Tax Abatement Compliance Forms from local industries and organizations. 

Under Other Business, the City Council will get a Stellar Update, hear from Annette Haining on World No Tobacco Day, a discussion on the CTE Tax Abatements, a Discussion of MACOG Brownfield Grants, and a discussion and proposal from MACOG for a Comprehensive Plan Update. 

There is also an opportunity for citizens’ input although it must be on agenda items.  Those attending the meeting should enter through the Garro Street door and move to the second floor.