Plymouth Color Logo2014The City of Plymouth will conduct their regular meetings this evening, (Monday, August 27th) at 6 p.m. with the Board of Public Works and Safety.

Agenda for the meeting includes a hearing to affirm an order to take action on 801 Sycamore Street.  Two weeks ago, Building Commissioner Keith Hammonds told members the residential property has been open and kids had been seen going into the structure.

The Street Department has boarded up the vacant structure that even has a tree growing through it.

Hammonds noted that he has gone through the proper procedures to have the structure demolishes.

City Engineer Rick Gaul will present a new request from Comcast to work in the city’s right-of-way for a project at Super 8.  This is the project that was completed without a city permit and wasn’t put in to city standards.  The board of Works decided to fine the company for the procedure.

The City Attorney will present a renewal agreement for HIS Small Wonders to use the Old Fire House for a Preschool.

There are also a number of requests including the Crop Walk, a no parking request on the south side of Garro Street near Liberty, further discussion of no parking signs on Crimson Lane and a follow up to the large water bill of Elisa Holstein.

The Common Council only seems to have 2nd and 3rd reading of the ordinance setting salaries for 2019.

The City meetings are held in the conference room of the Fire House.  Anyone attending should use the south entrances.