City NEwsLast week Plymouth’s Street Superintendent Jim Marquardt asked the Common Council for approval to begin a lighting update project in the service garage area.

A few years ago the city conducted an energy lighting update project across departments.  During that update the only lights that were changed out were the ones in the office area.  Marquardt said they have had several light readings in the shop area in an effort to find a solution. They are still using 8 foot florescent light fixtures in the shop and Marquardt said its becoming increasing difficult to find replacement bulbs.

Working with the Clerk/Treasurer Marquardt found that some funds remain in the “Common Sense” lighting update fund that could be used for his project.

Realizing the project was over their head, Street Superintendent Marquardt contacted Kirby Risk and had them conduct a light survey.  Their proposal to re-lamp everything in the shop and cold storage building was $29,828 for the fixtures.  He said the work would be completed in house.

Marquardt noted that moving to LED lighting fixtures will have a significant effect on his energy bill.

Marshall County Commissioner Mike Delp told the city council, “Mayor, I just had lunch today with Bruce Breeden from Telamon Corporation.  That’s exactly what he is going to present to us, the commissioners in March. To come in and do our office buildings especially the jail since things burn 24 hours a day.  He said a three year payback period.”  Delp went on, “We’re going to have to come up with that money.  It hadn’t been presented to the commissioners but I just talked about it.  I’m pretty sure we’re going to end up doing something because we’d be foolish not to because after three years we’ve pay it off and our consumption goes down drastically.”

The Plymouth Common Council approved moving forward with the project and will undertake the process to seek an additional appropriation to use the funds in the “Common Sense” lighting fund.