Plymouth Color Logo2014The City of Plymouth will conduct their regular meetings Monday evening, December 11th starting at 6 p.m. with the Board of Public Works and Safety meeting.

Agenda for the meetings includes department head reports, consideration of change order #2 for the OakHill and South Michigan Streets traffic signal and the public survey review of the MS4.

The city attorney will present the 2018 Animal Control Agreement along with the intergovernmental agreement for planning services with Marshall County and the planning services agreement with Ralph Booker for next year.

The Plymouth Common Council meeting begins at 6:30.  Their agenda includes a continuation of the public hearing for the tax abatement of the River Gate South residential project.

Council members will consider the 2018 salary ordinance for elected officials on 2nd and 3rd reading.  The ordinance does not have a pay increase for next year.  They also have an ordinance for the 2018 fee schedule for the park department.

The Common Council will also consider two resolutions, one for the River Gate South Tax Abatement and a transfer of funds from the city development fund to the safe routes to school project fund.

The City meetings are held in the conference room at the Plymouth Fire Department on Center Street.