County news # 2Culver Town Manager Jonathan Leist appeared before the Marshall County Commissioners on Tuesday to discuss an intergovernmental agreement for planning services.

Leist told the commission the Culver Town Council approved the agreement which would allow County Building Inspector Chuck DeWitt to provide building and planning services for the town, very similar to what Ralph Booker provided to the City of Plymouth.

Culver’s Town Manager said they took the current agreement between Plymouth and the County and tweaked it work for them.  Culver would pay the county $2,000 a year for reimbursement for incidentals used in the county office to do work for the town.  DeWitt would be permitted to take phone calls in the county office and would be in culver several times a week to conduct business for them.  He would also attend night meetings in Culver.

While the compensation for DeWitt was not discussed during the meeting, he will be paid by the Town of Culver for the services he provides to them.

The commissioners approved the agreement with Commissioner Kevin Overmyer saying, “There needs to be more cooperation between the county, city and town.  Cooperating is beneficial for all of us.”