National PRepardness Week 2015This was the second year in a row that Marshall County experienced a fairly harsh winter.  This winter included the Valentine’s Day blizzard that shut down roads, left motorists stranded and needing shelter.  The freezing and thawing that we experienced this spring caused significant damage to county roads which will be expensive and probably take years to repair.  The heavy rains we received from June through July caused flooding that did damage to more roads, culverts and water control structures in the county.  Some area homes and businesses were also impacted by the flash flooding that took place.  These events stand as a reminder that disasters can occur at anytime, anywhere, with no or very little warning.  That’s why preparedness is so important.

This year’s theme for “National Preparedness Month,” September is:  “Don’t Wait. Communicate.  Make Your Emergency Plan Today.”

The goal is to increase public awareness about the importance of preparing for emergencies including natural disasters, man-made technological and accidental hazards and potential terrorist attacks and to encourage individuals and businesses to take action to prepare themselves before a disaster occurs.

During September, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the Indiana Department of Homeland Security, along with the Marshall County Emergency Management Agency, urges everyone to take some simple steps to make sure you, your family and your businesses are better prepared for emergencies.  These include:

Get a Kit – Put together a kit of emergency supplies that will allow you and your family to survive for at least three days in the event an emergency happens.  The kit should include basic items like water (1 gallon per day per person), food, battery-powered radio, flashlight, a first aid kit, extra medicine, cash, pet food, and season specific clothing.

Create an Emergency Plan – Plan in advance what you and your family will do in an emergency. Your plan should include a communications plan and address sheltering-in-place and evacuation.

Be Informed – Learn more about different threats that could affect you and the community and the appropriate responses to them.

Get Involved – After preparing yourself and your family for possible emergencies, take the next step: get training in first aid and emergency response and get involved in preparing your community.

Marshall County Emergency Management Director, Clyde Avery said, “Remember; disaster preparedness is everyone’s responsibility!”   For more information about the types of events that can occur in Marshall County or how to develop an emergency plan or kit, contact the Marshall County Emergency Management Agency at 936-3740.