2220 Lake AveMonday evening during the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety a resident from Lake Avenue appeared very distressed over actions of the City Street Department.

Clara Sue Sterling of 2220 Lake Avenue wanted to address the board concerning some cleanup work that happened on her property on May 22nd.

Mayor Senter had spoken with Ms. Sterling earlier in the day and reminded her that she only had 5 minutes to discuss her issues and that she was to not swear during the meeting.

2220 Lake Ave_2Living at the same address for 40 to 50 years Sterling was sent a letter from code enforcement about the condition of her property in early May with a requirement to clean up the outside.

Sterling said, “A front end loader came in and took whatever it wanted.”   She asked, “Where the heck is my picnic table, my son’s truck and some of the stuff that belonged to my grandkids? You took everything.  There was nothing there that would damage anybody.”

Chief Bacon supplied copies of correspondence that was sent to Sterling on May the 8th and noted that code enforcement also took some extra steps in preparation of having the property cleaned up.  The Chief said, “The property was started to be cleaned up by the street department and it was halted when Ms. Sterling became uncooperative.”

2220 Lake Ave_1Sterling said, “What he calls cleaned up, was MY property, some of my statues that I have in my yard.  There was no garage sale stuff anyplace.  I haven’t had a garage sale in 3 years.”

I don’t understand what your problem is.  Why did you have to come after me?  I’m quite, I’m in bed by 9 and I don’t make any noise and I don’t bother anybody.

At the 5 minute point Mayor Senter told Sterling her time was up and she closed by saying, “Your time is up too!”

Without resolving any issues Ms. Sterling took her seat in the audience.

2220 Lake Ave_3During part of her presentation she said the neighbor had brought in a building and placed it within 3 feet of her property line.  Sterling also said a carport awning was 6 inches over on her property.

Plymouth Building Commissioner Keith Hammonds told the Board of Public Works and Safety that he spoke to the neighbor and they are seeking a variance for their buildings.