Monday evening members of the Plymouth Park Board approved the 2023 Non-Reverting Operating Budget.  The total amount of the budget is $99,160. 

Park Superintendent Mike Hite said the budget was “pretty much the same as this year” although it did have a 3% increase in salaries. He reminded members that the Non-Reverting Operating Budget is all fee-based funding and not tax dollars.  Revenues are obtained from fees for programs and events and rentals of the facilities. 

The budget has $37,760 for salaries, social security, and PERF, $17,500 for Supplies that include office supplies, day camp supplies, repair parts, and other materials.  Under the Other Services and Charges line is $33,900 which includes physicals, contractual services, telephone, travel and mileage, day camp trips, printing and advertising, utilities, repairs and labor, sales tax, instruction and training, refunds and fees and dues.  In the final line, Capital Outlays is $10,000 that will be transferred to the Non-Reverting Capital Fund at the end of the year if the funds aren’t needed for anything else. 

With very little discussion the Plymouth Park Board unanimously approved the 2023 Non-Reverting Operating Budget.