Scott Pelath, Executive Director of Yellow River/Kankakee River Basin updated Marshall County Government on the progress of the Yellow River bank reconstruction project.   

The Yellow River bank reconstruction project begins at the Marshall-Starke County Line and extends over a mile downstream through several steep banks and challenging meanders. 

In general, the project entails regrading badly eroded banks; installing erosion matting and planting native grasses; reinforcing the toe with rock and on-site wood, and employing in-water rock structures to keep streamflow velocities away from the banks. After work, new trees will be planted at the tops of the banks.  A major goal is to improve channel stability while substantially reducing the amount of sediment transported and deposited downstream.

Pelath said in his email, “I’m happy to report that Cardno and The Stanger Group also have identified several responsible cost savings along the way.  Even better, because of the favorable work conditions, the project remains well ahead of the scheduled completion date in November.”

Pelath also told the commissioner and drainage board members, “The process of saving an endangered house commenced last week as well. The residents are in no position to move, and in recent years, the bank has moved perilously close to them. The opportunity to address this dilemma is a meaningful benefit of the project’s site selection.”