Monday morning the Marshall County Drainage Board heard the variance request of Larrie Kreft from SteelRidge Buildings at 18140 State Road 331 in Tippecanoe. 

Kreft plans to build a 70’ by 138’ building on his property with the intent to store equipment. He was seeking a variance set back from the required 75 feet to 18 feet from the Kessler Spencer County Tile.  Kreft said he selected the location of the new building to allow access to the rest of his property which is the most feasible. 

Drainage Board member Kevin Overmyer asked if moving the building 7 feet to the north make a difference.  Kreft wasn’t very willing to modify his request.  Board member Mike Burroughs said he wanted to see the building at 25 feet from the tile.

Kreft said, “If we go 25’ I may not build the building.  I just hate this monkey business.  I get so aggravated at these kinds of meetings because you guys got way too much power.  I’m just going to say it.  It’s my property. I pay taxes.  You hear this all the time I know, and I know there are rules and regulations, but this is not hurting anybody.  You’ve got room to work on the other side.  It’s only 5 feet deep. It just aggravates me to no end.”  

Kreft continued saying, “There are so many regulations, so many rules.  You guys just put a noose, not just you but everybody in politics.  You won’t let people fend for themselves.  You won’t let people do for themselves.  You got to help everybody.  You got to put rules and regulations, and it just stinks, and if you don’t pass this. I’m going to be one unhappy person and I might just shove the whole thing.”    

The motion was made to make the setback 25 feet from the tile instead of the requested 18 feet and the motion unanimously passed. 

Kreft said he would consider the 25 feet, but he wasn’t happy about it.  As he left the meeting, he said to those in the audience, “Good luck guys.”