Members of the County Council approved the request of Faith Chapman, County Health Department Administrator to apply for two grants.   Chapman is applying for the Local Health Maintenance grant in the amount of $33,139 and $24,129.72 in the Local Health Trust Account grant.  Her annual request for the grants helps to pay for the Health Educator, Emergency Preparedness Director and their social security.

Sheriff Matt Hassel discussed the cook’s position at the jail with the council.  The full-time cook unexpectedly retired at the end of July and two weeks later the part-time cook retired.  Sheriff Hassel hired a new cook who wants to work 40 hours a week, so the council needs to adjust the salary ordinance.  The sheriff said he will continue to advertise for a part-time cook but last time it took 2½ to fill the position. 

The sheriff said, “It’s a big job serving 3 meals a day, 7 days a week.”  He noted the food order can run as high as $35,000 monthly. 

Sheriff Hassel said the cook works Monday through Friday and prepares for the weekends, but turnkey/dispatchers fill in on the weekends.

The County Council granted his request to move the position back to 40 hours a week. 

The Marshall County Council also approved several requests for additional appropriations including $40,000 for telephone in the general fund, $9,000 for property clean up in the Plan Commission, $58,421 for the Sheriff’s Special LIT to replace the fire protection system in the server room from water to a dry system.  Other additionals approved were $60,000 in the Community Transition program under professional services for the permanent supportive housing project, $16,251 in the Highway’s Cum Bridge Fund for the King Road Bridge and $6,000 for Lake Enforcement.