Triton News
During their March 8th meeting of the Triton School Board, they unanimously approved a “Resolution Opposing Education Savings Accounts and Voucher Expansion.”

The Indiana State Legislation will be considering House Bill 1005, Senate Bill 412 and Senate Bill 413 during the 2021 session.

The proposed legislation concerns the possible expansion of the voucher program.

In other matters, the board approved the replacement of 225 Chrome Books used for one-to-one student learning. The replacement units will be used in grades 3, 5, and 6 as school beings in the fall.

Superintendent Jeremy Riffle expressed his appreciation on behalf of the school corporation for two anonymous monetary donations. According to Riffle, a $10,000 donation from a local business was designated as “bless the staff” and to be used in various ways to share appreciation. A portion of that donation will also be placed in the “Character Development Fund” for future use. A second donation of $500 was given to the schools by parents of former students as a way to thank staff.

The Triton schools were also grant $7,500 from a United Way grant to replace signage that has become outdated or worn.

Riffle shared his appreciation for those who worked hours to fix a water main break that occurred on February 17. According to Riffle, the break was very near the gymnasium and could have caused a great deal of damage. Due to the break, a boil order was issued.

It was noted that the annual FFA Auction will be completely on-line this year in April. The deadline to have items included in the sale bill is March 25.

Carol Anders