City NEwsLast week the Plymouth Board of Public Works and Safety handled several requests.

The Mayor’s office was granted permission to close a portion of Garro Street for 2nd Friday events from May through September.  Garro Street west of Michigan Street and east of the alley, basically between the Museum and the Visitor’s Bureau will be closed for monthly events late afternoon and early evenings.

Anna Kietzman from the Heartland Artist Gallery was granted permission to have a sidewalk painting event for the week-long, April 15th to 22nd, Earth Day celebration called Earth Hug Boogie in Plymouth. A large poster will be on their window and from the poster a painting will depict the importance of water and celebration of water.  Most of the painting will be completed by Lincoln Junior High students using acrylic paint that will wear off with walking traffic in a week.  The painting will wrap around a drinking fountain that is at the corner of Michigan and LaPorte Streets.

Diane Anderson was granted permission to use a portion of Miller Drive and Pioneer Drive for a 6K walk on May 19th.  The event will begin and end at the LifePlex.  Walkers will walk the track at LifePlex and then travel along Miller Drive to Pioneer Drive where they will head south to Lincoln Highway and then back to the LifePlex.  The 6K represents the average distance that people in the developing world walk for water.

The goal of this year’s local fundraising goal for clean water is $5,000.  Diane Anderson told the board last year only 21 walkers participated and this year she is hoping for 50.  For more info contact Diane Anderson at