County News # 1Monday morning Marshall County Commissioner Kurt Garner appeared before the County Council seeking their support to increase the Cumulative Bridge Fund rate.  He told the council the fund will go into the red next year.

The Cumulative Bridge Fund (Cum Bridge) is used solely for repairs and improvements to the county’s 100 plus bridges.

USI recently conducted a Comprehensive Bridge Management Plan for the county.  The plan lays-out the various bridge projects over a 10 year period with estimated costs of repairs.  Their plan shows the county having a deficit of over $2 million by 2023.  They have planned 11 bridges or culverts to be addressed by 2023.

Commissioner Garner said the county has several bridge project already in process including Upas and 11th Road which are federally funded projects along with King and Hickory.  There is also concern that recent flooding caused additional damage to several bridges.

The commissioners are proposing an increase to the Cum Bridge Fund rate from $.005 to $.0524 which is only have of what the maximum rate could be.  This increase would have an increase to the average tax payer of $26.20 yearly and it is estimated to put another $660,000 in the Cum Bridge Fund annually.

The Commissioners are in favor of the increase to keep up with the estimated expenses and the County Council placed their support behind the increase too.

A public hearing has been set for Monday, March 19th at 10:30 in the Commissioners 2nd floor meeting room of the County Building.