Bourbon WelcomeThe Town of Bourbon was able to save some $9,649 by using their trained reserve volunteers officers to cover shifts. According to Bill Martin, Chief of Police, Bourbon Police Reserves covered 53 eight-hour shifts of individual coverage or 424 hours of coverage for shifts. It was also noted during the Bourbon Town Council meeting on January 9 that the town covers training costs, but reserves do not receive pay. Additionally, reserves helped in security detail hours for Food Truck Friday, parade details, and hours worked with another full-time unit.

Martin said if a reserve is not available, they use a part-time officer at a $17.15 per hour rate. In the event a part-time officer is unavailable, a full-time officer would be needed.

The Council members thanked Martin for all of his work and especially for coordinating the reserve program. Martin was extended appreciation for his 20 years of service to the town.

Carol Anders Correspondent