Plymouth Color Logo2014After a lengthy discussion the Plymouth Common Council approved paying the 2017 and 2018 invoices for Central Dispatching services for Center and West Township.

During Monday evening’s meeting City Attorney Sean Surrisi said he received a letter in October from West Township Trustee Terry Borggren and Center Township Trustee Doug Kucera concerning the invoicing they had received for dispatching services.

Borggren said the language in the current contract between the townships and the City of Plymouth for fire protection states the city will cover all related expenses.

Surrisi said while completing a comprehensive look at the fire department which resulted in a pay increase for firefighters, the city asked to townships to consider paying for the dispatching services.  Nothing was ever settled on the issue.

The trustees say the fire protection levy is at the maximum and that money all goes to the city.  They are not allowed to increase spending over the max levy.  Currently West Township is paying the city about $200,000 and Center Township is paying $150,000.

The invoices from the Sheriff’s Department for dispatching services is $126,354 for Plymouth in 2018, $8,000 for Center Township for ’17 and ’18 and $5,518 for West Township for ’17 and 18.

The Common Council unanimously approved paying the invoices for the townships.