salvation-army-red-kettleThe Salvation Army in Plymouth is seeking volunteer Bell Ringers for the 2016 holiday season.  In fact, they have created a special challenge week from Saturday, November 26th through Wednesday, November 30th and will take place at the two entrances at Wal-Mart and at Kroger.

Pastor Jim Irwin is looking for individuals, families, organizations and businesses to volunteer for 2 to 3 hour shifts between the hours of 10 a.m. and 6 p.m.  During the challenge a team must ring a minimum of 6 hours.  You can ring the red kettle bells for 6 straight hours or you can split the hours up with other team members.

The team collecting the largest amount during their 6 hours will win a $75 gift card and the individual colleting the largest amount will win a $25 gift card.  The Salvation Army representatives will be responsible for collecting and counting the donations and making a determination on which team collected the most money.

Although the Red Kettle Belling Ringing kick-off challenge is next weekend, the Salvation Army is in great need of volunteers for the entire season, November 25 through December 24th.  I you would like to donate some time for ring the bells for the Salvation Army give Pastor Jim Irwin a call at 574-952-8712.