County News_logoThe Marshall County Council needs to cut $1.1 million from the 2017 budget requests.

During an all day meeting on Tuesday, council members heard from department heads and elected officials as they presented the budgets for next year.

The General Fund has requests in the amount of $13,477,729 while all the funds together have a grand total request of $28,544,296. At this point the council only has an estimated revenue. They do expect final numbers within the next couple of weeks.

During the morning session the council heard from the Commissioners who have several increases to their budget including moving all the cost for Marshall County Economic Development Corporation into their budget at $150,000. They also proposed $8,000 for the Marshall County Neighborhood Center, and a state mandated increase of over $7,000 for the Bowen Center. Commissioner Kevin Overmyer also has concern with next year’s increase in insurance. Last year they budgeted a 12% increase and it came in at 24%.

The Commissioners also proposed $150,000 of Rainy day funds for economic development projects, noting Bourbon will be seeking funds for a fiber project and the county should have funds available to assist with economic development projects.

Commissioner Kurt Garner said, “This is designated line item to allow us to support projects.” It was noted that the council would still have to give a appropriation for specific projects.

The commissioners also asked for a million dollars for stone, gravel, aggregates and bituminous from the Rainy Day Fund to continue with road improvement projects in 2017.

Final decisions won’t be determined until September.